Benefits of Twitter/Social Media

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Social media is one of the most cost-efficient digital marketing methods used to syndicate content and increase your business’ visibility. Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers. To get started, create social media profiles for your business and begin interacting with others. Staying present is key and will pay off eventually (Blue Fountain Media, N.D.).

Without marketing your business on social media, your inbound traffic is limited to your usual customers. The people familiar with your brand are likely searching for the same keywords you already rank for. Without utilizing social media as part of your marketing strategy, you’ll have much more difficulty reaching anyone outside of your loyal customer circle. Every social media profile you add to your marketing mix is a gateway to your website, and every piece of content you post is another opportunity to acquire a new customer (Blue Fountain Media, N.D.).

Twitter is an American micro blogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read them (Wikepedia, N.D.).

I have been a registered user of Twitter for about four years now. The past two years I use it primarily for my company. From hashtags and pinned tweets to Twitter lists and social media influencers, there’s a lot to Twitter. With the right marketing plan, businesses can use the platform to create successful social media campaigns to increase sales, boost brand recognition and increase customer service (Driver, S., 2019). 

I utilize the hashtag tips and use video ads for my posts/content. I get moderate engagement and a lot of views. I believe it is good to have Twitter just to present a strong social media presence, but I do not get any business from that particular page. My business opportunities come from LinkedIn and Alignable.

The Main Benefits of Online Marketing

The main benefits of marketing online are:
Advanced Targeting
Direct Access to customers
Brand Awareness
Lower Advertising Cost
Building a Community
Increased Leads & Sales (Lyfe Marketing, N.D.).

Each benefit of social media described above are all different factors that play a role in your campaign results. But knowing the benefits of social media will not be enough. However, knowing allows you to plan for success. Now you can implement the right strategies for your business to reap the results you want, namely insights for marketing campaigns (Lyfe Marketing, N.D.).

insights – digitalAudience – gain insights of your target audience ...


First off, let’s establish this:
Customer Insights are not solely data points. Yes, numbers are involved, but:

Marketing insights are the more reasoned thoughts and conclusions established based on analysis of data and information established from market research, surveys, and so forth.

According to a talk from Morgan Shorey, “Insight (is) a truth which until now has not been leveraged, but if leveraged will generate revenue.” Marketing insights are the more reasoned thoughts and conclusions established based on analysis of data and information established from market research, surveys, and so forth. With measurable data that is built withing the various platforms marketers can download information, manually track and measure in excel or through online analytics tools such as Hootsuite and Buffer (Windsor, A., 2019).

They can measure things such as number of likes, Customer reach, Engagement, impressions, number of followers/growth and more. With the world living in a time were technology can take business owners to the customer, being online makes sense (Windsor, A., 2019).


Blue Fountain Media (N.D.). 10 Advantages of Social Media Marketing for Your Business. Retrieved from

Driver, P. (2019). Twitter for Business: Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved from

Lyfe Marketing (N.D.). What Are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing? Retrieved from

Wikepedia (N.D.). Twitter. Retrieved from

Windsor, A. (2019). What are Customer Insights in Marketing? Retrieved from

Published by lgraham48

Who We Are We have over 6 years of experience in the online marketing world. We focus on the heart of the consumer. After all, they are in the driver's seat. The market is saturated with a lot of distractions and we push our clients through the noise. With proven methodologies such as effective keywords AKA Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and an array of organic content that attracts engagement. We also can manage paid ads. We create and manage the following: Websites, Social Media Pages, Articles, White Paper, Graphics, Video, Written Content, Company Logos, Letterhead, Business cards, Marketing merchandise and more. I also love to create content on TikTok as a voice over queen on TikTok! Work and fun are important!

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